The Virtue Literacy Project Vision:
Four Essentials to Navigate Culture
To calibrate our moral compass for navigation through modern culture with Virtue Literacy, we need to reorient our thinking in four essential ways:
#1 Plug in to God
#2 Virtue is Lifestyle
#3 Positive Role Models
#4 Relationships Protect Kids
#1: PLUG IN TO GOD: God's Top 10 List
The power source for the Virtue Literacy Project is Christian faith energized with prayer. Our moral compass is strengthened when the filter with which we assess what we see, hear, and experience is based on the foundation of God's Ten Commandments. Within the Virtue Literacy Project, we express those commands in ten positive maxims we call: "God's Top 10 List".
God's Top 10 List
1) Love and HONOR the ONE true GOD above all else in heaven and on earth.
2) Honor the precious NAME of GOD.
3) Honor the Lord's Sabbath Day.
4) Honor Fatherhood & Motherhood
5) Honor the eternal value of EACH human LIFE.
6) Honor the CHASTITY of MARRIAGE.
7) Honor the PROPERTY of others.
9) Honor God’s DIVINE PROVIDENCE within marriage.
10) Honor God’s DIVINE PROVIDENCE regarding lifestyle and possessions.
These statements, based on the 10 Commandments,
are integrated in the rating system used with the
book, movie, and music title recommendations on
the platform.
#2: VIRTUE IS LIFESTYLE: Everyday Habits
The Virtue Literacy Project highlights a spectrum of human habits of goodness called the 40 "Everyday Virtues". This virtue vocabulary list includes a full range of: Theological Virtues, Cardinal Virtues, Capital Virtues, and Practical Human Virtues. These 40 virtues are infused into the identities of the Virtue Heroes characters. They are the foundation of the unique virtue-based rating system applied to all titles recommended on Plus, as they become prominent in the lexicon of the home, they nurture a healthy and holy family lifestyle.
The 40 Everyday Virtues of the Virtue Literacy Project:
Acceptance | Welcoming life and people as they are |
Adaptability | Adjusting to changes agreeably |
Charity | Love that inspires generosity |
Cooperation | Making small sacrifices to work well with others |
Courage | To act rightly, inspite of danger |
Detachment | The willingness to let go |
Devotion | Dedicated, unchanging love |
Diligence | Persistence to finish a task |
Empathy | Sharing the feelings of another |
Faith | Relying on God’s power |
Fortitude | Spiritual strecgth and stamina |
Frugality | Careful use of money and posessions |
Gratitude | Thankfulness & appreciation |
Honesty | Truthfulness in thought, word, and action |
Hope | Belief in a good future with God |
Humility | Choosing the strength of littleness |
Humor | Laughter with, not at, others |
Inspiration | Energizing the faith or enthusiasm of others |
Integrity | Consistently doing what is right |
Joyfulness | Gladness despite difficulty |
Justice | Working together to lift up the lowly |
Kindness | Doing something nice for someone |
Loyalty | Faithfulness to keep promises |
Mercy | Compassionate forgiveness |
Modesty | Not drawing attention to yourself |
Obedience | Following the direction of rightful authority |
Patience | To wait in spite of frustration |
Peacefulness | Quiet calmness on the inside |
Perseverance | To keep going no matter how hard it is |
Piety | Giving prayerful honor to God |
Prudence | Choosing the greatest good |
Purity | Unselfish thought and action |
Resourcefulness | Creative problem solving |
Respect | To honor the dignity of another |
Self-Control | Controlling our feelings and actions |
Steadfastness | Staying power & dedication. |
Tact | Using words with great care |
Temperance | Moderation to not choose too little or too much |
Trust | Choosing to rely on God or others |
Wisdom | Using what we know, to do what is right |
Delight Overcomes Darkness
Virtue Literacy grows by focusing our energy on what is truly good, not getting bogged down criticising what is bad. Eliminate the demand, awareness, and popularity of morally misguided simply shining no light upon it. Pay no undue attention to bad role models.
SEEK and BE role models of light by reading, watching and listening to content that DELIGHTS the heart and the soul. The task of the Virtue Literacy Project is not to bash, ban or boycott.
Our biblically-based motto is: "Overcome evil with good".
Share Good Clean Fun With Children
The Virtue Literacy Project is founded on the belief that reading, media, and entertainment should play a secondary role to the prioroty of shared real-life experiences. Exposure to role models of virtue in real-world situations with laughter and joyful relationships - with living people - is the most meaningful way to build habits of virtue that lasts through childhood and beyond.
The BENEFITS of Virtue Literacy
As a family grows in the knowledge and practice of virtue, something extraordinary happens. Words become flesh. The vocabulary of virtue becomes a lived reality. Seeking and being role models of goodness brings powerful results.
Strong habits of self-mastery empower us to love generously. Families who strive to love generously and anchor their habits in prayer, experience the fruits of love, JOY, peace, and happiness.
Get support to strengthen the ability of your family to seek and to be role models of virtue. Join the Virtue Crew and get access to resources and our quarterly newsletter, packed with all the help you need.
The POWER For Virtue Success
Virtuous habits are only possible when infused with God's grace. Don't expect success in Virtue Literacy without also making a habit of also seeking God's help through authentic prayer.
God is the virtue power source. Get plugged in.
God's Top 10 List
Trust the truth of God's word, and live by His commands. Embrace the DOs, in addition to the DON'Ts of the Bible.
40 Everyday Virtues
Pray that God will fortify your good habits with the power of faith to guide you, and make your family virtue-strong.
Light Overcomes Darkness
Pray that we can be faithful to SEEK and to BE role models of virtue, shining light into the darkness of modern culture.
Protect Children
Pray WITH and FOR the children you love. Protect them by nurturing strong real life relationships, full of joy and laughter.
Take a look through two editions of the VIRTUE NEWS. It's where you see the kind of content we offer to help families grow virtue-strong - through the experience of BOOKS, MOVIES, and MUSIC.
Virtue in History: French Louisana
Discover the Virtue News recommendations to READ, WATCH and LISTEN for spring 2024. This collection of titles are all related to Colonial Louisana and Revolutionary France.
Virtue SUPER Powers: Gestures for Children
Help children see heroic virtues as real "superpowers". Through a series of concrete gestures, children can begin to understand the power and process of how to grow strong in virtue.
2024 © Copyright Virtue Incarnate LLC. All Rights Reserved.